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2013.12.19 18:28

독특한 디자인의 컨셉트 자전거 - Rotation City Bike

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[출처] 독특한 디자인의 컨셉트 자전거들 - Rotation & Fine balance, XE Tricycle Bike Rotation|작성자 꼴통후니


2013-12-19 09;21;50.PNG


Rotation City Bike

A City Folding Bike



International Bicycle Design Challenge에 출품 되었던 자전거로 독특한 방식으로 접는 자전거입니다.

쉽게 말해서 앞쪽 휠이 뒤쪽 2개의 휠 사이로 접히는 자전거로 접힌 형태는 아래의 외발 자전거인 Fine balance 자전거와 유사한 형태입니다.

보여지는 이미지로는 왠지 무거울듯 한 느낌이 든다는게 단점이 아닐까하는 우려를 해봅니다.

그리고 왠지 외발 자전거로도 탈 수 있을것 같은,,,



An international design challenge can bring together the best people from the world of designing making them draw lines and give shape to products never thought off. On similar lines, we have come across this truly appealing Bicycle design from designer Yirong Yang which was an entrant at the International Bicycle Design Challenge. Yirong’s design, Rotation – a city folding bike, is more of a combination between unicycle and bicycle. The rider can sway on choice as to what he has to ride and accordingly adjust the axis in between to give desired shape. Whilst it is a challenging unicycle for the adventurers, even the bicycle riders would adore it for its unique design. Taking this out on the city roads probably three decades from now would have people turning around in amazement.

Most of the affixations you see on this city bike cum bicycle cum unicycle are adjustable be it the handlebar, the saddle or even the front wheel. When you are done with your riding routine you can simply fold it and walk away carrying it easily unlike the conventional ones, that have to be ridden at all times whilst you don’t intend to harness it.

Designer : Yirong Yang


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2013-12-19 09;21;56.PNG

2013-12-19 09;21;59.PNG



출 처: Tuvie







첨부파일 '5'

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