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2014.01.06 18:38

큰 구형의 외발 자전거 - Monowheel

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[출처] 큰 구형의 외발 자전거 - Monowheel |작성자 꼴통후니


2014-01-06 09;32;55.PNG



Monocycle Calls for Pert Buttocks



도쿄 전람회에 출품 된 큰 구형의 바퀴로 된 외발형의 Monowheel이라는 자전거입니다.
특이한 모양의 디자인이지만 왠지 불편해 보이는건 저뿐일까요?


Designed for the XXIst Century Man exhibition in Tokyo, this monocycle by Ben Wilson is pretty damn cool. While not as ornate as last year's steampunk monocycle, Wilson's one-wheel wonder is stunning in its simplicity, like many of the other product designs on his website. The Brit, who has several other bike designs under his belt, claims to be a fan of propulsion "ever since cycling for the first time without stabilizers." The XXIst Century Man exhibition, curated by Issey Miyake, is in Tokyo at 21_21 Design Sight until July 6.


Designer : Ben Wilson


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출 처 : Gizmodo






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