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좌회전/우회전 깜빡이 브링크(Blinklight) 라이트
브링크 (Blinklight) 라이트 ! 자동차처럼 좌회전,
우회전할 때
"깜박~ 깜박~ 깜박~
"하는 라이트 브링크
라이트가 개발되어
판매되고 있습니다. 기존에 자전거
방향지시등이 많이 출시되었지만, 이 제품은
LED 선을 허리 벨트 처럼 둘러 차고 있어서 방향지시 표시가
더 길고 선명하여 멀리서
식별하기가 쉽습니다. 다만, 폼이 좀 덜 나는 것 같지요? 벨트와 달리 복장위에 걸쳐야
함으로 맵씨가
좀 나지않지만 짐받이, 핸들바,
유아시트 등 어디든 LED 줄을 길게 둘러매면 장착이 끝납니다. 기능성과 안정성
측면에서도 박수를
보낼만 합니다. ^^ 현재 클라우드
펀딩으로 소비자가격
65,000원의 40%인하된 4만원으로 예약주문을
받고 있고
2017년 12월 부터 공급 가능합니다.
Research done by the university scientists for the UK traffic police department prove that "visible does not mean recognizable” – it means that wearing any blinking colored lights does not guarantee your safety on the road. It can cause a distraction, and as a result you can be hit by another traffic user. BlinkLights have been designed to be visible from all directions and well recognized – we used the same colors and modes of operation as in cars and motorcycles. We have combined the most modern led lights with a great visibility – we are proud of it! You can wear it however you want. You can use it as a belt on your sport wear and it’s very comfy due to lightweight and elastic strips. You can put it on the rain jacket, strip it to your bag and backpack. Easy to mount to every bike. Compatible with a child seat and child bike trailer. Radio operated remote controller has been designed to fit every bicycle steering bar. Remote is easy to fit. Two buttons are for operating indicators, one is for pedestrian crossing mode. Currently, the best led strips on a market which allow to program every single led point separately. Best light quality during the day and at night! It will even light thru your long shirt :) Leds are protected by a silicone tube. BlinkLight is fully waterproof including remote controller. You will get three lighting modes already installed as a standard: You can switch between those modes while turning BlinkLight on. Arduino compatible We also give you the Arduino open source which is easy to program. Just plug it in to your PC and you can do everything by using C++. Every BlinkLight set will come with manual ,,How To''. Stop light turns on automatically due to accelerometer installed on Arduino board. Our algorithm filter will know exactly when you slow down and when you speed up. Operating is very smooth and without any delays. You can count on it! This function is designed to raise your safety when you want to cross the street. Just press the middle button on the remote controller and the pedestrian crossing mode is turned on. One remote controller can operate five BlinkLights at a time. When you are cycling with family or friends, the leader can turn on the direction indicators simultaneously for the entire group. You can use two BikeLights on one bike - one on the rear with red light and one on front with white front light. Both sets can be controlled by one remote controller. Each BlinkLight can be set as a front light or break light. When you run out of power just plug it in to any phone charger. You can also use any power bank and charge it while cycling. Charging time with standard 5v phone charger takes up to 20 minuntes and play time is around 3-4 hours. Adult size fits most. We will make every BlinkLight length on individual request. We will send a survey at the end of campaign. Thanks to elastic strips you can adjust it to your needs. Works with bags, backpacks, bike racks, baskets, child seats and trailers.
- front white light with indicators (animated or classic blinking)
- rear position and stop light with indicators (animated or classic blinking) both have pedestrian crossing mode
- dynamic rainbow mode
●?Who's 관리자
이런류의 개발품들이 꽤 출시 되고는 하는데,
자전거에 있어서는 발광 신호 인식이 거의 없다보니 그게 참..
십여년 전만 해도 자전거 전조등과 후미등의 색상구분이 없다가
앞에 흰색 뒤에 적색으로 자리 잡았듯 이런 것도 많이들 사용하게 되면
자리를 잡게 되겠는데..
발광 벨트 착용이라는 사소한 성가심에 안하게 되는 것이 우리들이지요. ㅎ~ -
자출족에게는 유용한 아이템일듯~
1. 좌, 우 LED가 깜박였을 때, 뒤 차량 운전자가
그것을 좌우 방향 지시등으로 인식할까의 문제,
2. 휴대성의 문제로 매번 착용하기 번거로움의 문제,
허리띠 매번 풀었다, 묶었다 귀찮죠. ㅜㅜ
안장 뒤쪽 밑에 방향 화살표 방식으로 고정식으로 하면,
위 1번 문제와 동시에 해결이 되지 않을까요?
3. 버튼을 이왕 무선으로 하는 거,
양쪽으로 나누면, 보다 더 쉽게 방향지시등을 켤 수 있을 거 같습니다.
몇가지 든 생각이네요. -
필수품인데 가격대가 좀 있네요...
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Designed by sketchbooks.co.kr / sketchbook5 board skin
후방 라이딩할때 앞사람의 좌,우회전시 추돌사고 예방에 꼭..^^