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실용적인 자전거 - Local Bike

by wowwow posted Nov 25, 2013


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[출처] - 꼴통후니의 깡통블로그





Local Bike



스위스 출신의 디자이너로 미국 샌프란시스코를 근거하며 디자인 회사 '퓨즈프로젝트(Fuseproject)'를 꾸려나가는

『이브 베하(Yves Behar)』가 디자인한 실용적인 자전거 '로컬 바이크'입니다.

이브 베하는 교통에 완벽하면서 이상적인 동네에서 타고 다닐 수 있는 자전거, 그리고 이웃과 같은 친근한 자전거를 개발하고 싶은 계획을 가지고 기본적으로 편리한 이동성에 실용적인 부분을 추가시켜 디자인한 자전거입니다.

우선 로컬 바이크는 3륜으로 자전거에 익숙치 못한 이들도 쉽게 탈 수 있으며, 간단한 짐을 싣고,

또는 아이를 태울 수 있도록 자전거 앞 쪽에 공간을 마련해 그 공간을 실용적으로 활용할 수 있게 한

업 스타일의 자전거,, 로컬 바이크입니다.


For a while now, san francisco-based fuseproject (yves behar) has been working towards developing the 'perfect mode of transportation' in which to aid in everyday tasks within ones local neighbourhood.
Participating in the oregon manifest constructor's design bike challenge over the last few months, fuseproject's 'local' bike design emerged. Considered to be the ideal neighborhood bike, the 'local' is a version of a practical pick-up truck in the form of a bicycle: transportation which you can live with - its utility and function isn't limited to carrying a laptop or a six pack. the sturdy, flexible front platform of the bike carries groceries, surfboards, lumber and kids, resulting in an ideal vehicle for a self-powered life. To realize the 'cargo bike design, fuseproject looked to dealing with load placement, steering options, ways to secure all kinds of cargo and relieving the hassles usually associated with taking a bike out for the day. elements which have been integrated into the bike include locking, lighting, bags and music via fuseproject's wireless jambox speaker. for a safe, easy and clean grease-free experience, an shimano 'alfine' internal hub with 11 gears with front and rear hydraulic disk brakes is used.


Designer : Yves Behar(Fuseproject)







출 처 : Designboom






Designed by sketchbooks.co.kr / sketchbook5 board skin

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