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요즘은 1 창업 기업이 많고

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이외에 SNS 통해 자신을 돋보이게 하려는 추세가 강합니다.


특히 스마트 폰의 성능이 좋아져서

과거 전문가들이 쓰던 카메라 수준으로 화질이 좋은

사진을 촬영하는데,


이런 추세에 맞춰 개인 스튜디어 형태의 아이디어 제품이

인기를 끌고 있습니다개인은 물론 회사에서도 즉시로 사용되는

그런 초소형 촬영스튜디오 입니다.


클라우드 펀딩으로 당초 7200만원 규모로 폴디오3 예약 주문행사를

시작했는데 결과는 16배인 12 규모의 주문을 받았습니다.


개발 초기 제품인 폴디오 1,2 크기가 10인치, 15인치이고

폴디오 3 크기가 25인치 물건의 촬영에 적합합니다.


폴디오 3 추가되는 악세서리에 따라 최하 15만원 ~ 30만원입니다.


우리나라도 아이디어 하나로  7천만원 펀딩을 하는데 12억의 주문이

들어오는 그런 창업자가 많이 나오면 좋겠습니다.


또는 폴디오 3 이용하여 개인창업자들의 독특한 제품을 멋지게 촬영해서 대박을  쳐도 좋겠지요?  ^^   stamp.png

Foldio evolving

Previously, we launched the Foldio projects to create a portable studio that allows anyone to take high quality photos. Thanks to your support, we successfully funded and delivered Foldio1 & Foldio2 to our backers.

From 3 years of experience creating the Foldio studio, we’ve learned that we have a lot of room for improvement. Now we are going to introduce our third Foldio project, the Foldio3 that’s upgraded immensely from our previous projects.


Keeping it simple

To improve the Foldio, we pondered on what the most important feature for our new project should be. We concluded that the portable studio should be uncomplicated and easy to use.

That is why we tried to make the Foldio a simple and neat tool for everyone, whether you are carrying it, using it or just keeping it at home.






Bigger, but more compact design

Current photo studios of similar size are designed to fold as a square shape. Because of this, they are difficult to carry around or store in a neat and compact way.

To overcome this issue, we created a new design for the Foldio3.

This design enables the Foldio3 to be compact when folded up whereas when it is opened, it transforms dramatically into a 25 inch x 25 inch studio.



Magnetic structure

Like our previous Foldio series, we applied the magnetic structure to Foldio3. This enables the setup to be in 10 sec. Not to mention that we use high quality magnets to hold the Foldio3 in a sturdy shape for extensive use.




Simple backdrop set up

If you have any experience using mini studios, you will know that it’s really cumbersome to fix the backdrop. This gets worse for bigger sized photo studios.

We designed a new way to fix the backdrop in a simple and easy way. You can just attach the backdrop at the bottom part of Foldio3 and unroll it up to fix at the top side.


Velcro type fixation
Velcro type fixation


High quality black backdrop

Foldio3's black backdrop enables you to take higher quality pictures compared to when you are using other black backdrops . With our backdrop, you will have a clear black color without any reflection on the background.

General black backdrop VS Foldio3 black backdrop
                   General black backdrop              VS               Foldio3 black backdrop


Upgraded lighting design

High performance triple diffuser LED device applied.

We focused on maximizing the lighting performance by upgrading functions of our lights and adjusting the location. As a result, it's designed to decrease shadows of subjects more efficiently than our previous Foldio versions.  



The Halo Bar

We created the “Halo Bar” to enhance your photography experience. Now create more amazing photos using the Halo bars.


The Halo bar is attachable, so you can fix the Halo bar on the side or bottom magnet spots of Foldio3 according to your needs. Set up the perfect lighting using the Halo bars.


Make better lighting conditions combining the Halo bar lights with the main lights of the Foldio3.


Or you can use the Halo bars separately to create a different atmosphere.



Dimming controller

Now you can control lighting of the Foldio3 by using the Dimming controller. This device lets you control all the lights of the Foldio3 and Halo bars in a simple way.



Halo bar lighting control


Create 360 image with Foldio360

You can create 360 images using the Foldio3 and the Foldio360 together. For objects that were a little too big for the Foldio2, the Foldio3 is the perfect match with the Foldio360 smart turntable. The Foldio3 widens the use of the Foldio360 for photographers, small business owners, bloggers, online sellers and many more. (More information about Foldio360)







Foldio3 helps you take high quality photos for bigger subjects in an easier way. Now, start creating amazing work with Foldio3.  





?Who's 관리자

첨부파일 '3'

  1. 우마이 페이스마스크 /Umai Facemask

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  5. 공구 반지 / Tool Ring

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  7. 변신 선글라스

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  13. 캠핑 트레일러

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  15. 조립식 테이블

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    Date2021.07.06 Category생활 아이디어
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  16. 크로스오버 신발 /Crossover

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  19. 오빗 카드홀더/Orbitkey

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  20. 소파 겸용 침대/ Sofa bunk bed

    소파 겸용 침대 / Sofa bunk bed 벙크(Bunk)? : 배나 기차의 침상 또는 이층 침대 가변형 접이식 가구 전문회사 이태리 씨레이(Clei)社의 소파 겸용 침대를 소개합니다. 우리나라 전체 2천만 가구(2019년 기준) 중 약 620만이 1인 가구로, 현재 10가구 중 3가...
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